July 2011 Site Overhaul

Go ahead- check it out!

I’ve reworked the site to remove some focus from the blog, in order to make it less formal and hopefully increase posting volume to keep it more current. Shorter, more frequent updates. The main meat of the site will be static pages describing my more complete or noteworthy projects, which will (soon) appear on the homepage.

As well a jaunty new graphic layout- out with monochromatic, in with color- I’m not 100% on the color scheme but it’s trivial to change it. It’s sort of pool-noodle flavored right now, which I guess is fine now that the weather is nice.

I did some word-press hacking to get the content where I wanted it, which while not completely straightforward wasn’t too tough once I found some good resources on “The Loop” and WP_Query. Most importantly I haven’t seemed to break too much stuff in the process. The site is mostly just simplified. Hopefully there’s adequate navigation functionality. If you have any input don’t hesitate to comment or email!

Posted on July 4, 2011 at 10:26 pm by Henry · Permalink
In: Art and Design, Life and Times, Projects

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