After Long Silence

With only two posts in the last nine months I thought it was time to make provide another missive as proof of my continuing existence…

I’ve been toying with an idea, likely never to make it into the material world, but fun nonetheless:

The “faceless watch”, an idea I haven’t seen before. With a ring of LEDs à la Tokyoflash behind the plastic ring crystal. The big problem obviously is the battery- it can’t go anywhere inside the watch, it would need to be on the other side of the band somewhere, maybe as part of the clasp with electrical wires running to the watch. Electronics layout would be a challenge but I think surmountable, with tiny MLF package ICs and multilayer PCB. The proportions and dimensions as I skeched them may not be possible, but something like it would probably work.

It would certainly be a challenge to construct- from a circuit design, software design, mechanical design and machining stand-point.

Posted on May 8, 2011 at 10:50 pm by Henry · Permalink
In: Art and Design

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