Archive for July, 2011
CNC Bike Headlight- Pt. 2
In between busy weeks at work and a week off in Ohio attending to family stuff I’ve been moving along with the bike headlight, making progress but coming home too tired to post anything. An update is in store. First I finished running out the first operation on the “light body” part on the Hass […]
More Lead for More Speed
In an impulsive move the day before the Refuel event at Laguna Seca back on June 26th, I decided to add another 20AH SLA battery to the  Poly-V bike, and swap the controller out for an “40 A Infineon” controller I bought a while back for another bike. I was curious to see how […]
CNC Bike Headlight – Pt. 1
In order to take advantage of my access to the Laney College CNC machine shop over the summer while there are no classes in session I designed a bike headlight to be made out of Aluminum, in collaboration with my electrical engineer friend Cuyler. He’s already designed a CC/CV boost drive/BMS circuit for a 2S […]
In: Machining · Tagged with: cnc, headlight
July 2011 Site Overhaul
Go ahead- check it out! I’ve reworked the site to remove some focus from the blog, in order to make it less formal and hopefully increase posting volume to keep it more current. Shorter, more frequent updates. The main meat of the site will be static pages describing my more complete or noteworthy projects, which […]
In: Art and Design, Life and Times, Projects