Photo Journo: Wayland Invitational 2009
On my Pacific Northwest roadtrip, as described before, I stopped in Portland for the Wayland Invitational at PIR- set during open weekend drag nights, but with John Wayland's organization a whole EV get together on top.
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As were four Roadsters
Otmar's Quick-change Zilla swapper in his orange 914- test bed for hundreds of Zillas
Killacycle's trick pneumatic brush-timing actuator
The Killacycle toasted a motor Friday night
Jim Husted's sweet mini-cruiser
On to the fun part- racing!
The Crazyhorse Pinto's crazy torque caused the tires to deform and fold over- sort of "flap". I understand this often happens on high-torque drag cars, but with the quiet electric drivetrain that "flapping" was the loudest sound you could hear as it went down the strip.
Tesla Roadster drag racing is not all that interesting- very consistant, quick for a street car, very quiet. The sound of a couple roadsters flying by at 100+ mph at the finish line is pretty neat though.
The SSIC Daytona was blazingly fast off the line, but wasn't geared well for top end speed.
This converted Samurai NEV was very slow. I think it hit 38 or so MPH, 1/4 mile in 50+ sec. They only raced it once though so it was OK
Speaking of NEVs, someone brought a ZENN out also. It quickly reached and then sat right at its limiter, 43 MPH or so
Obligatory sequence of Killacycle shots
The Killacycle is so mind-bogglingly fast, it is absolutely worth it to see it in person
The T-Bucket was detuned and running 15/16sec that weekend, still looked like a load of fun. I got a little spin around the parking lot in it- running similar power level to my Miata. Was very fun. It's on my list of goals to have a car without a windshield someday.
The SSIC Daytona leaves a fat Audi in the dust
Then- a surprise. Dave Cloud has a reputation for showing up last minute with something crazy and cool- True to form he showed up Saturday at 9pm with this sort of Jr dragster- Let's see- tube frame, 24+ costco lead batteries, came to the track with the tires uninflated, reverse by way of flex plate and starter motor attached to one of the motor shafts, dual motor main drive with Curtis controller for creeping around and set of pneumatically actuated contactors for series/parallel switching of the motors and battery banks (72/144v)- This thing was seriously impressive in a homebuilt, most-from-the-least sort of way.
Rumors were flying that this run could easily result in some kind of disaster- but it didn't, the car turned in a respectable 95mph trap speed
It is likely that given good tires and batteries this dragster could turn in very good times- those contactors are going to be able to deliver more power than any controller if the rest of the system can handle it. I really enjoyed seeing this creation, it was definitely one of the high points of the weekend for me.
A good time had by all- Maybe I’ll have to tow the Miata up next time…
on February 28, 2010 at 8:48 am